In collaboration with Passion Lab, we produced a series of ten 20-second films for Unibet. The series follows Glenn Hysén and his sidekick Mick as they embark on a football journey to London, spotlighting the excitement of the Premier League and Champions League.
Glenn and Mick, a charismatic duo, brought their unique flair to every location they visited. Against the backdrop of London’s iconic football environments, we aimed to capture spontaneous, authentic moments by letting them explore and interact freely in settings steeped in football history.
The trip had a genuine and down-to-earth feel, with a strong focus on the football culture that unites people. To enhance the authentic football experience, we included other passionate supporters representing various Premier League and Champions League teams, contributing to an atmosphere of camaraderie and engagement.
Football was the common thread in all the locations we visited – from classic, historic stadiums to dedicated football pubs and other unique spots that make English football culture special.
The visual language of the films was intentionally handheld to swiftly and smoothly capture the spontaneous and humorous moments. We combined classic wide shots with close-ups to maintain a simple yet impactful visual style. Humor took center stage through long, uncut takes where Glenn and Mick’s charisma truly shone. Through this approach, we created a series of films that not only celebrate football but also capture the genuine joy and passion that permeate every football trip to London.